



  1. 当主分支添加发布tag时,触发打包过程,将源代码进行rpmbuild,并将打包结果发布到私有yum源上
  2. 开发提交commit时,触发tox任务,进行单元测试以及代码覆盖率检查
  3. 每日凌晨对test分支上的代码进行打包、部署,通过rally和tempest进行功能和集成测试
  4. 通过docker的方式进行打包环境的隔离,解决CI平台资源不足的问题
  5. 通过Jenkins Job Builder实现CI平台上JenkinsJobs的代码式管理,使平台能够快速搭建
  6. 通过ansible实现部署测试环境
  7. 集中Jenkinsfile到Bootes代码库中,使持续集成代码不侵入业务代码库


1.Create the profile through in Gerrit web interface for your Jenkins user, and set up a SSH key for that user.
2.Gerrit web interface > Admin > Groups > Non-Interactive Users > Add your jenkins user.
3.Admin > Projects > … > Access > Edit
Reference: refs/*
Read: ALLOW for Non-Interactive Users
Reference: refs/heads/*
Label Code-Review: -1, +1 for Non-Interactive Users
Label Verified: -1, +1 for Non-Interactive Users

IMPORTANT: On Gerrit 2.7+, you also need to grant “Stream Events” capability. Without this, the plugin will not work, will try to connect to Gerrit repeatedly, and will eventually cause OutOfMemoryError on Gerrit.

1.Gerrit web interface > People > Create New Group : “Event Streaming Users”. Add your jenkins user.
2.Admin > Projects > All-Projects > Access > Edit
Global Capabilities
Stream Events: ALLOW for Event Streaming Users
在Jenkins中的Manage Jenkins–>Plugin Manager中添加Gerrit Trigger插件
插件安装完后在Manage Jenkins–>Gerrit Trigger中进行设置:
Gerrit Trigger设置

jenkins每次都checkout master分支代码的问题

由于Jenkins默认的设置是每次checkout 的代码都是master分支上的代码,因此pachset create时执行的tox测试的代码,并不是本次commit push的代码。需要进行如下设置:
To get the Git Plugin to download your change; set Refspec to $GERRIT_REFSPEC and the Choosing strategy to Gerrit Trigger. This may be under ‘‘Additional Behaviours/Strategy For Choosing What To Build’ rather than directly visible as depicted in the screenshot. You may also need to set ‘Branches to build’ to $GERRIT_BRANCH. If this does not work for you set Refspec to refs/changes/:refs/changes/ and ‘Branches to build’ to $GERRIT_REFSPEC.

Note: Be aware that $GERRIT_BRANCH and $GERRIT_REFSPEC are not set in the Ref Updated case. If you want to trigger a build, you can set Refspec and ‘Branches to build’ to $GERRIT_REFNAME.


可以说jenkinsfile就是pipeline,Jenkinsfile支持Declarative和Scripted Pipelines。Declarative是在2.X版本后开始支持的:

  • 提供了更加丰富语法特性
  • 更加容易编写和阅读
pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        DOCKER_IMAGE = sh returnStdout:true, script: "cat Buildfile.yaml|grep docker-image|awk '{printf \$2}'"
        VERSION = sh returnStdout:true, script: 'cat Buildfile.yaml|grep version|awk \'{print $2}\''
    stages {
        stage('unitTest: pep8') {
            steps {
                sh 'tox -e pep8'
        stage('unitTest: py27') {
            steps {
                sh 'tox -e py27'
        stage('Building') {
            when {
                beforeAgent true
                anyOf {
                    changelog 'RPM BUILD'
                    changelog 'DEPLOY'
               docker {
                   image "ironic-p"
           steps {
               echo 'Building......'
                sh "git checkout $VERSION"
                sh 'python sdist'
                sh 'cp dist/*.tar.gz /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES/'
                sh "sed -i \"s/Release:\\([ \\t]*\\)\\([0-9]*\\)\\(.*\$\\)/Release:\\1\${BUILD_ID}\\3/g\" /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/openstack-ironic.spec"
                sh 'rpmbuild -ba /root/rpmbuild/SPECS/openstack-ironic.spec'
                sh "ls -l /root/rpmbuild/RPMS"
                sh "pwd"
                sh "ls"
                sh "cat Buildfile.yaml"
       stage('Deploy') {
            when {
                beforeAgent true
                changelog 'DEPLOY'
           steps {
               echo 'Deploying......'
               ansiblePlaybook disableHostKeyChecking: true, playbook: 'test-deploy.yaml'


Jenkinsfile中根据git tag作为判断条件

Execute the stage if the TAG_NAME variable matches the given pattern. Example: when { tag “release-*” }. If an empty pattern is provided the stage will execute if the TAG_NAME variable exists (same as buildingTag()). 写法如下:

when {
    beforeAgent true
    tag comparator: 'REGEXP', pattern: '[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\-rc'

后安装插件Git Parameter Plug-In,添加TAG_NAME参数: BuildByParameter


    environment {
        TAG_NAME = sh returnStdout:true, script: "git describe --tags"

上面的步骤会导致TAG_NAME这个变量的最后有一个看不到的换行符,可能会导致某些问题。 解决方法: 用awk解决:git describe –tags|awk ‘{printf $1}’


       stage('uploadRPM') {
           steps {
               sh "echo hello-$TAG_NAME-$BUILD_ID.EL7"

上面的写法会报错,应修改如下: ${BUILD_ID}.EL7


error-build-in-docker 问题原因:oci-mount的bug导致
升级oci-mount到2.3.3以上版本 升级docker